Team 2: Chromatographic and Spectrochemical, Materials, Organic Analysis (CSMOA)
Team Leader: Prof. OUMEDDOUR Rabah
The research group's work focuses on the monitoring of organic substances and materials in terms of formulation, characterization or quality control, and covers a wide range of topics, from pesticides, drugs and food products. The fight against adulteration and counterfeiting is one of the group's objectives.
Research areas
The team is particularly interested in the analysis of substances by chromatographic and spectrochemical methods of substances with biological activity, either therapeutic or biocidal properties. Food is also a priority axis; we can mention olive oil, edible oils and all kinds of foods, the dosage of possible contaminants, the characterization of organic materials is also another axis that has been the subject of some work.
Human potential:
Team 02: Chromatographic and Spectrochemical, Materials, Organic Analysis (CSMOA) |
N° |
Surname & First name |
Rank |
Function in the Laboratory |
Last diploma |
Spécialité |
Reporting structure |
01 |
Oumeddour Rabah |
Pr |
Team leader |
State Doctorate |
Spectrochemistry |
U- Guelma |
02 |
Nigri Soraya |
Pr |
Member |
Doctorat |
Industrial Chemistry |
U- Guelma |
03 |
Frioui salah |
Member |
Doctorat |
Industrial Chemistry |
U- Guelma |
04 |
Bahloul Abida |
Member |
Magister |
Industrial Chemistry |
U- Guelma |
05 |
Daoud Bornia |
Member |
Magister |
Industrial Chemistry |
U-Skikda |
06 |
Selaimia Radia |
Member |
Doctorat |
Industrial Chemistry |
U- Guelma |
07 |
Bekkar Khaoula |
Doctoral student | Member | Doctorat | Physical chemistry and modelling | | U- Guelma |