Team 3: Electrochemistry and Corrosion (EC)
Team leader: Pr AFFOUNE Abed Mohamed
The electrochemistry and corrosion team is interested in electrochemical processes concerning the development and degradation of metallic materials in both fundamental and applied aspects. It also addresses environmental aspects related to the presence of metals in waste.
Research areas
- Electrodeposition of metals:
Electrodeposition of metals and metal compounds (Rhenium, Nickel, Platinum, Copper, Chromium, Tin)
Anodic oxidation of metals (Rhenium, Nickel, Platinum, Silver)
-Simulation: Establishment of theoretical voltammograms.
-Electrochemical energy
Fuel cells: Thermodynamic calculations, Studies of anodic oxidation reactions of alcohols, Preparation of electrocatalysts in the form of metallic nanoparticles (Nickel, Platinum-Nickel Co-deposition), Electrical and surface properties of Nafion.
Photovoltaic cells: Elaboration and study of the properties of thin-film semiconductors (SnS, ZnO, Cu2O).
- Environment: Zinc recovery from used batteries, waste water sludge recovery, water treatment by electrocoagulation
Human potential:
Team 03: Electrochemistry and Corrosion (EC) |
N° |
Surname & First name |
Rank |
Function in the Laboratory |
Last diploma |
Spécialité |
Reporting structure |
01 |
Affoune Abed Mohamed |
Pr |
Team leader |
State Doctorate |
Electrochimie |
U- Guelma |
02 |
Nacef Mouna |
Member |
Doctorat |
Industrial Chemistry |
U- Guelma |
03 |
Chelaghemia Mohamed Lyamine |
Member |
Doctorat |
Industrial Chemistry |
U- Guelma |
04 |
Kesri Fatima |
Member |
Magister |
Physical chemistry |
U- Annaba |
05 |
Kihal Rafiaa |
Member |
Doctorat |
Materials Engineering |
U- Khenchela |
06 |
Rahal Hassiba |
Member |
Doctorat |
Materials Engineering |
U- Skikda |
07 |
Djaghout Ilhem |
Member |
Doctorat |
Materials Engineering |
U-Souk Ahras |
08 |
Khelifi Omar |
Member |
Doctorat |
Process Engineering |
U- Adrar |
09 |
Abid Charef Soumeya |
Post Doc |
Member |
Doctorat |
U-Guelma |
10 |
Bessioud Sliman |
Doctoral student |
Member |
Magister |
Materials Engineering |
U-Guelma |
11 |
Derabla Tahar |
Post Doc |
Member |
Doctorat |
Process Engineering |
U-Guelma |
12 |
Atek Imene |
Doctoral student |
Member |
Master |
Process Engineering |
U-Guelma |