A word from the Director

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     The Laboratory of Industrial Analysis and Material Engineering (LAIGM) is a research laboratory under the supervision of the University of 08 May 1945 GUELMA. The activities of the LAIGM are led by a team of 41 researchers, including 15 doctoral students. The LAIGM covers a wide spectrum of activities grouped into six teams. These activities are, by nature, interdisciplinary, which is why the laboratory brings together skills from different specialities. These teams conduct studies in themes specific to each team structured around the following four themes:

  • Chemical Engineering
  • Analysis of chromatographic, spectrochemical and organic materials
  • Electrochemistry and corrosion
  • Surface, interfaces and nanostructures
  • Enzymatic and non-enzymatic sensors
  • Metallic materials: Energy and environment.

          The laboratory is involved in research-related teaching, which is provided in LMD training at the University.  These are the Masters in Materials and Process Engineering: Materials and Surface Treatment and Chemical Engineering.  As well as doctoral training in Process Engineering.

           The laboratory's research work is supported by various national programmes and research organisations, NRP and CNEPRU.  In addition to academic research, the GMIAA has a long tradition of cooperation with industrial partners in many national projects.  He is also involved in international scientific collaborations.  
Since 2001, our laboratory has seen a significant development of its equipment resources, thanks to the equipment budgets allocated by the supervisory authorities; and we are continuing our efforts to update and develop our instrumentation fleet.

           The laboratory is directed by a Director, Mr. E. H. Benhamza, Professor at the University of May 8, 1945. The Director, as well as the heads of the various themes and teams, PR. Oumeddour R., PR. Affoune AM. and PR.Nemamcha AR.; compose the Laboratory Council. The latter defines the laboratory's policy and makes decisions on all aspects of resource allocation and priority setting. The laboratory board also reviews the results of the laboratory's research activities and suggests scientific orientations and changes in its governance and/or structure.
           The laboratory organizes scientific seminars at least once a year. These internal seminars, which present our main research work, also help to keep staff well informed of all new research results and encourage work between teams. These events also offer young researchers from the laboratory the opportunity to present their research work in order to popularize and promote it.

For us, what matters is that the laboratory is a place of exchange and reflection, where each member has the necessary material and human resources, feels good and can want to participate in a common action so that the research is fruitful for each of us and for all.  The laboratory is open to anyone interested in the topics studied and is widely open to cooperation projects and the hosting of scientific visitors.  The GMIA also wishes to continue to develop its policy of cooperation and exchanges with other laboratories and research organizations in Algeria and abroad.

Laboratory office:

Director: Professor Mohamed El Hocine Benhamza
Laboratory Engineer: Mrs Boukhedenna H.                                                             
Members (Thematic Leaders / Teams) :

R. Oumeddour, Professor, Team Leader: Chromatographic Analysis, Spectrochemistry and Organic Materials (ACSMO)
M.E.H. Benhamza, Professor, Team Leader: Chemical Engineering (GC)
A.M. Affoune, Professor, Team Leader: Electrochemistry and Corrosion (EC)
A.R. Nemamcha, Professor, Team Leader: Surface, Interfaces and Nanostructures (SIN)

The Laboratory Director
Prof. Benhamza M.E.H.