International Publications
Mouna Nacef, Mohamed Lyamine Chelaghmia, Abed Mohamed Affoune, Maxime Pontié, Electrochemical investigation of glucose on a highly sensitive nickel-copper modified pencil graphite electrode, Electroanalysis, 2019, VOL 31:1, PP 113-120.
A. Chenchana A. Nemamcha, H. Moumeni, J.M. Doña Rodríguez, J. Araña, J.A. Navío, O. González Díaz, E. Pulido Melián, Photodegradation of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid over TiO 2 (B)/anatase nanobelts and Au-TiO 2 (B)/anatase nanobelts, Applied Surface Science, 2019, VOL 467–468, PP 1076–1087,
Fatima Kesri, Abed Mohemed Affoune and Ilhem Djaghout, Effects of thiourea on the kinetics and electrochemical nucleation of tin electrodeposition from stanneous chloride bath in acidic medium, Journal of Serbian Chemical Society , 2019, VOL 84, PP41-53,
Fatima. Rouabhia, A. Nemamcha, H. Moumeni, Elaboration and characterization of mullite-anorthite-albite porous ceramics prepared from Algerian kaolin, Ceramica, 2018, vol64, PP 369.
T. Chouchane, A. Boukari, A. Bendjama, O. Khireddine, S. Chibani ,Copper removal in solution by sawdust: kinetic and thermodynamic study, Journal of Materials and Environmental Sciences, 2018, vol 9, PP 3167-3180.
Bako Y.F.R, TapsobaI, Pontie M, Chelaghmia, M.L, Direct electrooxidation of 3-methyl-4-nitrophenol (MNP) at carbon fiber microelectrode (CFME), International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 2018, vol 13, PP 8056-8071,
I. Atek, S. Maye, H.H. Girault, A.M. Affoune, P. Peljo, Semi-analytical modelling of linear scan voltammetric responses for soluble-insoluble system: The case of metal deposition, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 2018, vol 818, PP 35-43.
Nigri.S, Djemil.R, Messaoudi. B,Oumeddour. R, Structure- Corrosion Inhibition Performance Relationship: Application to some natural free acids and antioxidants, Portugaliae Electrochimica Acta, 2018, vol 36, PP 23-34.
Bekker K., Oumeddour R, Nigri S, Selaimia R, Improved stability to auto-oxidation of olive oil by addition of citric acid, Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture, 2018, vol 30, PP 621-630,
O. khelifi, M .Nacef, A.M .Affoune, Nickel (II) Adsorption from Aqueous Solutions by Physico-Chemically Modified Sewage Sludge, Iranian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 2018, vol 37:1, PP 73-87.
M.L.Chelaghmia, Mouna Nacef, Abed Mohamed Affoune, Maxime Pontié, Tahar Derabla, Facile synthesis of Ni(OH)2 modified disposable pencil graphite electrode and its application for highly sensitive non-enzymatic glucose sensor.Electroanalysis , 2018, vol 30:6 , PP 1117–1124.
H. Rahal, R. Kihal, A.M.Affoune, S. Rahal, Electrodeposition and characterization of Cu2O thin films using sodium thiosulfate as an additive for photovoltaic solar cells. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2018, vol 26 , PP 421-427.
O. khelifi, I. Mehrez, M .Younsi, M .Nacef, A.M .Affoune, Methyl orange adsorption on biosorbent derived from mango seed kernels.LARHYSS Journal. 2018 , vol 36 , PP 145-156.
Radia Slaimia ,Rabah Oumeddour ,Soraya Nigri ,The chemometrics approach applied to FTIR spectral data for the oxidation study of Algerian extra virgin olive oil,International Food Research Journal,2017,vol 24, PP 1301-1307.
Ghania Nigri,Yacine Cherait, Soraya Nigri, Characterization of eco- substituted cement containing waste ground calcined clay brick, 2017, vol 44(11) , PP 956-961. .
Fares Aissat , Akila Barama, Siham Barama, Nawel Fodil Cherif,and Mohamed Lyamine Chelaghmia, Synthesis and Characterization of Ba0.5Sr0.5NixCo0.8-xFe0.2O3-d(x=0 and 0.2) Perovskites as Electro-catalysts for Methanol Oxidation in AlkalinMedia. Electroanalysis 29(2017)1-10
S. Abid Charef, A.M. Affoune, A. Caballero, M. Cruz-Yusta, J. Morales, Simultaneous recovery of Zn and Mn from used batteries in acidic and alkaline mediums: A comparative study Waste Management 68 (2017) 518-526
Rafiaa Kihal, Hassiba Rahal, Abed Mohamed Affoune and Mokhtar Ghers, Electrodeposition of SnS thin films solar cells in the presence of sodium citrate. Journal of Electrochemical Science and Technology, 2017, 8(3), 206-214.
H. Rahal, R. Kihal, A.M. Affoune, M. Ghers and F. Djazi, Electrodeposition and characterization of ZnO thin films using sodium thiosulfate as an additive for photovoltaic solar cells. Journal of Semiconductors, 38 (5) (2017) 053002-7.
Bachir Ben Seghir, M. E. Hocine Benhamza, Preparation, Optimization,and Cheracterization of Chitosan Polymer From Shrimp Shells, journal of food Measurement and Characterization ,DOI(Digital Object Identifier): 10.1007/s11694-017-9490-9, 06 fevrier 2017 PP1-11.
Abderrafik Nemamcha, Fatima Rouabhia ,Hayet Moumni,Jean Luc Rehspringer, Formation mechanism of Pd/PVP nanoparticles: effect of ultrasonic irradiation time,New Trends and Issues Proceedings on Advances in Pure and Applied Sciences, 2017, ISSN: 2547-880X
Fatima Zohra Bouzit, Abderrafik Nemamcha, Hayet Moumni, Jean Luc Rehspringer, Morphology and Rietveld analysis of nanostructured Co-Ni electrodeposited thin films obtained at different current densities, Journal of Surface and Coatings Technology, 2017, vol 315, PP 172-180,
Amira Trodi, M. E. Hocine Benhamza, Particule Shape and Aspect Ratio Effect of AL2O3-Water Nanofluid on Natural Convective Heat Transfer Enhancement in Differentially Heated Square Enclosures, volume 204, 2017-Issue 2 pages 158-167, Chemical Energineering Communications;Toylor & Francis.
Soraya Nigri, Rabah Oumeddour, Detection of extra virgin olive oil adulteration using Fourier transform infrared, synchronous fluorescence spectroscopy and multivariate analysis, in Rivista Italiana Delle Sostanze Grasse XCIII(2016(2)):125-131 · April 2016
Omar Khlifi, Ikram Mehrez, Wahiba Ben Salah, Fatma Ben Salah, Maamar Younsi, Mouna Nacef, Abed Mohamed Affoune, Etude de l’adsorption du bleu de methylene (BM) a partir des solutions aqueuses sur un biosorbant préparé a partir des noyaux de datte algérienne, Larhyss Journal, 28(4), 2016, 135-148.
Mahmoudi.O, T. Bordjiba, A.M. Affoune, Density Functional Theory Study of the Interaction of 2-Mercaptobenzimidazole and Gold, Palladium and Nickel atoms,International Journal of ELECTROCHEMICAL SCIENCE, 11(2016)4427-4441
H. Belbah, H. Amira-Guebailia1, A.M. Affoune , I. Djaghout , O. Houache and M.A. Al-Kindi, Effect of a Natural Brightener, Daphne gnidium L. on the Quality of Nickel Electroplating from Watts Bath,Journal of New Materials for Electrochemical Systems, 19(2), 2016, 97-102.
Amira Trodi, M. E. Hocine Benhamza, Convection naturelle dans une enceinte de nanofluides sous differentes conditions aux limites, International Journal of Scientific Research & Engineering Technology (IJSET), 2016, vol 4, Special Issue P 271, IPCO International Publisher SLCO.
Fatima Zohra Bouzit, Abderrafik Nemamcha, Nourddine Maza, Hayet Moumeni, Traitement et analyses des eaux usées par un système à base de Phragmites australis (Roseau), International Journal of Scientific Research & Engineering Technology (IJSET), 2016, vol 4, Special Issue P 60, IPCO International Publisher SLCO.
Lahiouel Yasmina, Lahiouel Rachid, Evaluation of Energy Losses in Pipes, 2015, American Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2015, Vol. 3, No. 3A, pp 32-37 doi: 10.12691/ajme-3-3A-6
Amira Trodi, Convection naturelle dans une enceinte de Nanofluide, 2015,Editions universitaires européennes (EUE), OmniScriptum GmbH & Co.KG. Saabrücken , Deutschland, Allemagne ISBN 978-3-8416-7081-6
Ilhem Djaghout, Abed Mohamed Affoune, Mohamed Lyamine Chelaghmia, Malek Bendjaballah, Experimental Investigation of Nickel Electrodeposits Brightness in the Presence of Surfactants: Modeling, Optimization and Polarization Studies,2015, Portugaliae Electrochimica Acta, M843-15 volume 33 (2015), pages 209-222.
Radia Selaimia, Abdelsalem Beghiel, Rabah Oumeddour, the Synthesis of Biodiesel from Vegetable Oil,26 juillet 2015, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences Volume 195, 3 July 2015, Pages 1633–1638.
Chouarfa Fella, Benhamza M. E. Hocine, Bendjaballah Malek, New model of Heat Transfer in the Process of Nucluate Boiling in Pool : Prediction and Assessement,Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics, Volume 87, Number 3, pp.743-752, May 2014, ISSN 1062- 0125, Publisher: Springer.
Hayet Moumeni, Abderrafik Nemamcha, Safia Alleg, Jean Marc Greneche, Hyperfine interactions and structural features of Fe–44Co–6Mo (wt.%) nanostructured powders, Materials Chemistry and Physics (Elsevier), 138 (2013), 209-2014.
S. Nigri and R. Oumeddour, Fourier transform infrared and fluorescence spectroscopy for analysis of vegetable oils, MATEC Web of Conferences, Article Number 04028, 3 Volume 5, (2013), Published by EDP Sciences, 2013 ; DOI:10.1051/matecconf/20130504028.
Mohamed Lyamine Chelaghmia, Mouna Nacef & Abed Mohamed Affoune, Ethanol electrooxidation on activated graphite supported platinum-nickel in alkaline medium. Journal of Applied Electrochemistry , Volume 42, N°10, June 2012, pp 819-826, Springer Journal.
M. Nacef, A. M. Affoune, Comparison between direct small molecular weight alcohols fuel cells’ and hydrogen fuel cell’s parameters at low and high temperature. Thermodynamic study.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Volume 36, Issue 6, March 2011, Pages 4208-4219 -
M. E. Hocine Benhamza and Fella Chouarfa, Modeling of the solid-liquid bubble interface in partial nucleate boiling'. Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics,Volume84, Number 2, pp.305-311(7), March 2011,ISSN 1062-0125, Publisher: Springer. Journal & Article site:
Hayet MOUMNI, Abderrafik NEMAMCHA, Safia Alleg, Jean Marc Greneche, Stacking faults and structure analysis of ball milled Fe50%Co powders. Journal of Materials Chemistry and Physics, 122 (2-3) (2010) 439.
Malek Bendjaballah, Jean Paul Canselier, Rabah Oumeddour, Optimization of O/W Emulsion Stability: Experimental Design, Multiple Light Scattering and Acoustic Attenuation Spectroscopy, Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 31, (2010), 1260–1272.
A. Saïla, P. Taxil, P. Chamelot, L. Massot, M. Gibilaro, A.M. Affoune, Electrochemical behaviour of dysprosium (III) in LiF-CaF2 eutectic melts on Mo, Ni and Cu electrodes. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 642 (2010) 150–156.
S. Gherib et al, Cracking behavior of carbon black filled elastomers. World Scientific Publishing. International Journal of Nanoscience , Volume: 9 Issue: 6 (2010-12) Page: 557-561.
A. Cheraitia et al, Synthesis and characterisation of microporous silica-alumina membranes, J.Porous. Mater, Vol. Volume 17, Number 3, 259-263, DOI: 10.1007/s10934-009-9300-9, (2010),
A. Cheraitia et al, Synthesis and characterisation of Microporous silica-Alumina thin films. International Journal of Nanoscience Vol.9 ,No.6 (2010) 1-4.
Med El Hocine Benhamza and Fella Chouarfa, Validity of Solid- Liquid Bubble Interface Modeling in Partial Nucleate Boiling'. Heat Transfer Research, Volume 40, Issue 8, Year 2009, ISSN 1064-2285, Begell House Inc., USA.Journal site:
M. E. Benhamza and F. Belaid, Computation of turbulent channel flow with variable spacing riblets'.Scientific Journal MECHANIKA, Nr. 5(79), 2009, ISSN 1392-1207.
M. E. Hocine Benhamza, Fairouz Belaid, Turbulent Flow Control Prediction Using LES and RSM Modelling, International Review on Modelling and Simulations' International Review on Modelling and Simulations ,Vol. 2, N. 1, pp. 72-77, February 2009, ISSN 1974-9821, P.W.P. Italy.
Malek Bendjaballah, Jean Paul Canselier, Rabah Oumeddour, Oil-in-Water Emulsion Stability Evaluation Using Experimental Design, Multiple Light Scattering and Acoustic Attenuation Spectroscopy, , International Review of Chemical Engineering, 1(2), (2009), 170-178.
A. Mohamed Affoune, Abedelkader Saila, Jacques Bouteillon and Jean C. Poignet, Electrochemical Behaviour of silver and rhenium electrodes in molten alkali fluorides. Journalof Applied Electrochemistry, 37(2007)155-16.
A. Mohamed Affoune, A. Yamada and M. Umeda, Conductivity and surface morphology of Nafion membrane in water and alcohol environments. Journal ofPowerSources, 148(2005)9-17.
Minoru Umeda, Akifumi Yamada, Abed Mohamed Affoune and Isamu Uchida, A novel proton conductor based on ternary polymer blend: Preparation and optimization of composition Electrochemica Acta, 50(2004)611-615.
A. M. Affoune, A. Yamada and M. Umeda, Surface observation of solvent-impregnated Nafion membrane with atomic force microscopy. Langmuir, 20(17)(2004)6965-6968.
A.M. Affoune, J. Bouteillon and J.C. Poignet, Electrochemical Reduction of Solutions of ReF6 in the Fused LiF-NaF-KF eutectic mixture. Journal of Applied Electrochemistry, 32(2002)521-526.
A. M. Affoune, B. L. V. Prasad, Hirohiko Sato, Toshiaki Enoki, Yutaka Kaburagi and Yoshihiro Hishiyama, Experimental evidence of a single nano-graphene. Chemical Physics Letter, 348(2001)17-20.
A. M. Affoune, B. L. V. Prasad, Hirohiko Sato and Toshiaki Enoki, Electrophoretic deposition of nano-sized diamond particles. Langmuir, 17(2)(2001)547-551.